This work, created entirely in Adobe Illustrator, is a dreamlike exploration of the life cycle of enigmatic butterflies that come to life and evolve within the confined world of a Tamagotchi. Through intricate details and fluid forms, the composition simultaneously reveals both the external and internal parts of the device, creating a stylized double exposure that merges virtual and biological imagery.
The Tamagotchi
Within the small, self-contained digital ecosystem of the Tamagotchi, the natural process of metamorphosis unfolds, suggesting that even within the artificial, there is space for beauty, evolution, and individuality. The surreal and fluid forms of the butterflies further hint at how our identities and creations adapt and transform in response to the digital environments we inhabit.
Get your print!
High quality matt paper, choose if you want only the poster or a black frame ready to be hang! Contact me for more info!